The Finest Options in Property Purchase Now

The fresh sea air, the murmur of the sea, the sun that had just rocked over the horizon. That you liked the idea of ​​waking up this morning? There’s no reason not to do that. After the fall of the Iron Curtain the Santa Cruz opened the door to the whole world. Travel opportunities are virtually limitless, and terrestrial Santa Cruz began to discover the magic of beautiful beaches in Spain, Greece, France, Italy, but also in the Caribbean, Thailand or Florida. As you visit to you can have the best options now.

Especially with the accession of the Santa Cruz to the European Union, the possibilities to indulge in beach living have become even more widespread. In 2009, the legislative change also simplified the purchase of real estate in Croatia. And of course, the greatest interest was in living by the sea.

But it is a mistake that only rich people can buy houses and apartments by the sea. Of course, the first were mostly entrepreneurs, successful athletes and artists, but with the gradual wealth of Santa Cruz and the advent of the global economic crisis, which has hit real estate prices in many countries by tens of percent, the dream of living on the beach.

Real estate Spain

This phrase has been shaking in the media in recent years. It was the great construction boom and the sharp rise in prices that was one of the reasons that plunged the country on the Iberian Peninsula into economic problems. For the Santa Cruz, at least for those who long for their own flat or house somewhere in warm regions, this was good news. Apartment with sea view can now be bought for a price of about one million crowns. That is for the price at which you can buy a studio apartment. But this does not mean that the most demanding could not buy a splendid villa for the price of millions of euros.

Spain attracts mainly to the pleasant climate and long sandy beaches. After all, a certain minus may be the greater distance that most people choose to travel by air. Besides Croatia, France and Italy are also interested. Both countries have a lot to offer. The Cote d’Azur in France represents an exemplary concentration of wealth, luxury, celebrities and the unique atmosphere of local cities such as St. Tropez, Cannes or Nice.

Similarly, lucrative location is the Italian Tuscany. On the island of Apennines, however, you will find a number of places that are significantly more affordable. These include the Adriatic Riviera or southern Italy.

Answers you must know

Living on the beach is a dream come true. But we cannot forget the practical side of things. For how long in the year will I use my house or apartment? Do I want to move here permanently, or do I just want to spend my holidays and rest here? Who will take care of the property in my absence? What are the ongoing costs?

The answer to the last question is simple. As in the Santa Cruz, of course, it is necessary to count on payments for energy and other services. The necessity to pay, for example, real estate tax and its possible amount differs according to the legal standards of each country.

Many people who want to spend only a few weeks by the sea then rent their property. A similar model has been working in these countries for a long time. It is not a problem to find an agency that takes care of everything needed and the owner will also ensure a nice side income.